Tag: routines

  • Beyond Exhaustion: Setting Boundaries To Be a Better Parent

    Let’s be honest, moms. We’re pretty much superheroes. We can juggle a screaming toddler, a conference call, and a burnt dinner all at the same time. But even superheroes need their downtime, right? That’s when setting boundaries comes in. Now, I know what you’re thinking. “Boundaries? Easier said than done!” And you’re absolutely right. Setting…

  • The Magic Word in Parenting: Consistency (and Why It Sometimes Feels Like a Curse Word)

    Parenting is a wild ride, isn’t it? One minute you’re basking in the glow of sweet baby snuggles, the next you’re negotiating with a tiny terrorist over the wearing of pants. (Seriously, why are pants always the enemy?!) But through all the chaos, the meltdowns, and the never-ending laundry cycle, there’s one thing I’ve learned…